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Governify is a service agreement management framework that boosts the service governance by supporting audits in an automated way. It is composed of a set of integrated components that can be combined to create configurable architectures that adapt to each scenario. The governance platforms built with Governify gather evidences from multiple external sources in the organization (by means of their APIs) and provide visual dashboards to understand the current risks of not meeting the goals.

Governify Overview

The underlying agreeement model (iAgree) provides a uniform modelling approach in a wide range of domains: from Service Level Agreements in RESTful services, to Service Objective/Penalties and Rewards in IT Service Support Desks driven by humans, or Best Team Practices in Agile Development Teams. These holistic capabilities allow the definition of integrated metrics, goals and dashboards to create a common govenrance platform to drive the strategy of the organization.

Governify provides a native micro-service architecture of RESTful Components that can be easily deployed and operated as containers in the infraestructure at choice.